Rev. GROGAN, Patrick SJ


* Birth in Cloghan, Offaly (奧法利郡), Ireland (愛爾蘭): [3 March 1902]
* Enter Novitiate: [12 November 1925]
* Ordination in Ireland: [31 July 1936]
* Arrival in Hong Kong: [1930]
* Death in Hong Kong: [27 February 1980]

# Information according to “Jesuits in Hong Kong, South China and Beyond”

Death of Father Patrick Grogan, S.J.

Father Patrick Grogan, SJ, of Wah Yan College, Hong Kong, died in St. Paul
s Hospital on 27 February 1980, aged 77.

Father Grogan was born in Cloghan, Offaly, Ireland, on 3 March 1903. He joined the Jesuit novitiate in Ireland at the end of his university studies in 1925, did his philosophical studies in a German Jesuit College in Holland, and came to Hong Kong as a Jesuit scholastic in 1930.

In 1932 he was a member of the first group of Jesuits to teach in Wah Yan College, and Wah Yan was to be the scene of his activity for 31 of his remaining 48 years. After theological studies and ordination - 31 July 1936 - in Ireland, he returned to Wah Yan in 1938. He spent the war years partly in mainland China, partly in India, and returned again to Wah Yah in 1948. He moved to Malaysia in 1962 and served very happily in Assumption Parish, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, till 1970. Then for the last time, he returned to Wah Yan.

He was already aged 69; but he returned, not to enjoy honoured retirement, but to play a vital part in the life of the school. From the beginning of his teaching career he had taken a deep interest in all the boys of every class and in all their concerns. This interest, which he never lost, sharpened a remarkable memory. Even in his last years, he seldom failed to recall the face and the characteristics and the family and the later career of anyone whom he had known as a student in the 1950s or the 1940s or the 1930s. It sometimes happened that an old student, on returning to Hong Kong after years overseas, would find that his family had dispersed and his friends had forgotten him, but Father Grogan would lift his heart by remembering all about him and his family with interest undimmed by the passing of years.

In his last years Father Grogan had to cut down his teaching, but he never gave up. To within a few weeks of his death he still taught a class a day, and took complete charge of training in verse speaking for the whole school, and he still knew the boys and their ways as he had always known them. His apostolate was not merely an educational apostolate: it was also an apostolate of friendship and affection.

His fellow Jesuits will miss him as a good companion, a practiced raconteur, an exceptionally shrewd adviser and a devoted priest. He will remain in the memories of many hundreds of Wah Yan students, past and present, as someone who really cared.

The Bishop was chief concelebrant at the Requiem Mass in St. Margaret
s Church on 28 February. Father Gabriel Lam, V.G., in his homily paid eloquent tribute to Father Grogan, whom he had come to know and revere as his teacher years ago in Wah Yan.

Bishop F.A. Donaghy, M.M., officiated at the graveside in St. Michael
s Cemetery, Happy Valley.
7 March 1980



本 港 耶 穌 會 會 士 高 伯 仁 神 父 , 日 前 不 幸 病 逝 銅 鑼 灣 聖 保 祿 醫 院 , 享 年 七 十 七 歲 。

高 神 父 於 一 九 0 三 年 出 生 於 愛 爾 蘭 , 一 九 二 五 年 都 柏 林 大 學 畢 業 後 進 入 耶 穌 會 修 道 , 兩 年 後 在 荷 蘭 矢 發 初 願 。

高 神 父 於 三 0 年 代 即 被 派 遣 前 來 遠 東 區 服 務 , 曾 先 後 在 廣 州 、 澳 門 及 香 港 等 地 多 間 中 學 任 教 職 。

過 去 十 年 , 高 神 父 一 直 任 教 於 港 島 華 仁 書 院 , 並 任 校 刊 編 輯 、 舊 生 會 顧 問 等 職 。

今 次 噩 耗 傳 來 , 該 校 教 職 員 生 及 高 神 父 生 前 同 袍 友 好 , 莫 不 深 表 痛 惜 。

二 月 廿 九 日 下 午 三 時 , 胡 振 中 主 教 暨 四 十 多 位 神 父 假 跑 馬 地 聖 瑪 加 利 大 堂 為 高 神 父 舉 行 安 息 彌 撒 , 並 由 林 焯 煒 神 父 於 彌 撒 中 講 道 。

之 後 , 高 神 父 遺 體 隨 即 安 葬 跑 馬 地 天 主 教 墳 場 。
1980 年 3 月 7 日

Jesuits in Hong Kong, South China and Beyond, by Thomas J. Morrissey, Xavier Publishing Association Co. Ltd., 2008.
先賢錄--香港天主教神職及男女修會會士 (1841-2010), 天主教香港教區檔案處, 2010.
Biographical Notes of the Jesuits in Hong Kong 1926-2000, by Frederick Hok-ming Cheung PhD, Wonder Press Company 2013.
先賢錄--香港天主教神職及男女修會會士 (1841-2016), 天主教香港教區檔案處, 2016.
一九二六年至二零一六年在香港的耶穌會會士影像回憶, 紀歷有限公司, 2016.